Angry Birds on Facebook
點彈弓上的 Angry Birds 再按住滑鼠左鍵,調整角度後,放開滑鼠左鍵隨即發射。遊戲上方有暫停與道具可供選擇 (商店裡有賣各種道具,需用FB幣購買)。遊戲下方有縮放視野選擇。
過關後,畫面會跳出此訊息。遊戲中破壞程度,和分數與星星等級有關。下方有三個選項可供選擇 (從左至右):返回目錄、再挑戰重玩這關、前往下一關。New Highscore 如果突破自己這關卡的之前得分紀錄,那就可以 Share 發佈訊息。
Angry Birds on Facebook
Angry Birds Facebook Power-up:King Sling
Introducing King Sling power-up - Fling your birds with style AND speed. Upgrade to the almighty King Sling for maximum power and velocity!
Angry Birds Facebook Power-up:Super Seeds
Introducing Super Seeds power-up - Supersize your bird! Super Seeds turn any bird into a pig-popping giant.
Angry Birds Facebook Power-up:Sling Scope
Introducing Sling Scope power-up - Looking for the perfect shot? Use Sling Scope laser targeting for pinpoint precision!
Angry Birds Facebook Power-up:Birdquake
Introducing Birdquake power-up - Use the Birdquake to bring pigs' defenses crashing to the ground! Rattle the battle!
Angry Birds Facebook Gameplay
Angry Birds launches on Facebook on February 14th, so we’re excited to reveal more details about what’s coming up! The new game will feature the Angry Birds gameplay that fans already know and love, but with added social components, brand new power-ups, and Facebook-exclusive levels.
Play Angry Birds on Facebook:Angry Birds
Angry Birds Rovio Entertainment Ltd:Home of Angry Birds
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